LQAS App: Tech-Driven Approach to Accurate Health

The DHIS2 Lot Quality Assurance Sampling (LQAS) application has been introduced in Ethiopia to address data quality challenges within the national health information system. DHIS2 is a centralized platform that captures, analyzes, visualizes, and reports healthcare data from both public and private health facilities. It allows stakeholders at all levels of the healthcare system to access a wide range of information for decision-making, policy formulation, and program evaluation.

However, it was found that there were significant disparities between reported and recorded data values within health facilities, affecting the reliability and integrity of the collected data. To tackle this issue, the Ministry of Health and HABTech Solution implemented the LQAS app within the DHIS2 framework. This innovative tool helps identify and rectify data discrepancies by randomly selecting 12 data elements from a dataset and comparing reported values with actual register values. By detecting inconsistencies, users can proactively address data quality issues, thus improving the overall reliability of healthcare data in Ethiopia’s DHIS2 system.

The introduction of the LQAS app demonstrates the commitment of the Ministry of Health and HABTech to ensure the trustworthiness of healthcare data used for decision-making and program evaluation. It fills the gap in data quality controls provided by DHIS2 and empowers healthcare providers to monitor health trends, allocate resources efficiently, and tailor interventions to meet the specific needs of diverse populations.
The LQAS app is a valuable addition to Ethiopia’s healthcare delivery system, driving its effective functioning and continuous improvement.

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