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Dr. Abyot Asalefew

Dr. Abyot is an individual with strong technical background and work experience in information system design, development and implementation for low resource settings. This was acquired over a decade working at global and local level health, nutrition, agriculture and numerous M&E information system projects with funding from EU, USAID, WFP and other national and international partners. Dr. Abyot also comes with confirmed research experience in the areas of generic information system design, implementation, integration, scaling and sustainability. His PhD in Informatics is from University of Oslo, Norway. Both his MSc and BSc degrees are in Computer Engineering from Addis Ababa University, Ethiopia.

Dr. Gizaw is one of the core architects of DHIS2 – free and open source web-based information system, developed using Java, Spring, Hibernate, HTML, React, Angular, Bootstrap, Material and related frameworks. Currently, it is in use as a national system by more than 70 countries and numerous international organizations such as WHO, UNICEF, PATH, CDC, GAVI, WFP, PSI Global Fund and CHAI to mention a few.