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Dr. Hibret Alemu 

He is the Global Director of the CORE Group Polio Project (CGPP) based in Washington DC out of the World Vision US’s office. In the past, Hibret worked at John Snow Inc. for more than 13 years mostly as Project Director of BMGF funded projects and Chief of Party of a USAID funded project in Ethiopia. After completing his PhD in Public Health in 2012 through a joint program between the Addis Ababa University and John Hopkins University, he worked at the Harvard School of Public Health as a Research Associate and Executive Director of BMGF funded primary health care project. 

Dr. Hibret has published several papers on peer review scientific journals as a lead author and co-author. His publications focused on child health, health systems, information systems, community health and primary health care. He specializes in public health leadership and enjoys managing complex projects. In his current leadership role, he leads a diverse public health program that focus on polio eradication, global health security and COVID-19 prevention and control in eight African countries plus India by focusing in inaccessible and cross-border communities.