“Empowering Ethiopia’s Healthcare”: Training Kick off on Data Analytics.

August 5, 2024 – The Ministry of Health (MOH) of Ethiopia, in partnership with HABTech Solutions, has initiated a five-day training program on data analytics at Yaden Hotel in Debrezeyit (Bishoftu). Participants include Strategic Affairs data experts, MCH, Substitute malaria with disease prevention and control expert, and experts from Pharmaceutical and Medical Devices Lead Executive Office.

Mr. Mesoud Mohammed, Strategic Affairs Executive Officer at the MOH, and Dr. Adane Letta, General Manager of HABTech Solutions, addressed the opening ceremony. They emphasized the training’s vital role in transforming Ethiopia’s data management and analytics, aiming to enhance the healthcare sector’s analytical capabilities.

The training focuses on health data analysis, equipping participants with advanced skills to improve data-driven decision-making in Ethiopia.
